7th ACOMP and 13th Annual Meeting of CSMP
Thurs., August 23, 2007
Fri., August 24, 2007
Sat., August 25, 2007
Sun., August 26, 2007
Mon., August 27, 2007







1. There are two meeting rooms (Huizhou Hall and Lianjiang Hall) and one slide-ready room (Xuanyuan Hall) for all scientific and technique meetings. Huizhou Hall and Xuanyuan Hall are on the third floor of Huangshan International Convention Center, and Lianjiang Hall is on the first floor.

2. Huizhou Hall will hold the open ceremony, the closing ceremony, all refresher courses, all plenary sessions, all symposiums, the workshop, and Therapy Sessions 1-7 and 9-12. Lianjing Hall will hold all image sessions, all other sessions, and Therapy Sessions 8 and 13.
3. The official language for the meeting is English from Aug. 23 to the morning of Aug. 26, and is Chinese from the afternoon of Aug. 26 to Aug. 27.
4. For the detailed arrangements of each vender-technique meeting, please refer to the corresponding announcement.
7th AOCMP August 23 - 27 2007
Scientific Programme- Draft
Time Thursday 23 Aug
8:00 - 8:50


Registration (8:00 - 22:00 on August 23, and 8:00-17:00 on August 24 - 25)

(1)Principles of IMRT by Jack Yang (1)IGRT Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Lei Xing (1)Quality assurance in radiotherapy by KY Cheung (1)New standards of radiation protection by Raymond Wu
  (2)Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy–Optimization, Delivery, Quality Assurance and Clinical Examples by Maria Chan
9:00 - 9:30 Open ceremony
9:30-10:30 (1) MRI imaging technique and its applications (1)Medical Imaging Data Explosion- Are we Meeting the Challenges?
(1) CT imaging technique and its applications (2) IGRT based on cone beam CT (2) Modern Quality Management in Radiation Oncology
(2) Positron Emission Tomography: Recent Advances and Emerging Applications (3) IGRT With Helical Tomotherapy (3)The status report on carbon radiotherapy in HIMACy
10:30 - 11:00 Tea Break
11:00 - 12:30 Therapy Session 8:Speical procedures
(1)3D Image Guided Brachytherapy (1) Alpha particle therapy
(2) Clinical aspects of prostate seed implant (2) Treatment planning for IMRT
(3) Physical aspects of prostate seed implant (3) Biological treatment planning
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch/Vender Technique Meeetings
14:00 - 15:30 Half-day tour for foreign participants
15:30 - 16:00    
16:00 - 17:30

Workshop on using the Internet for Real-time Interactive Academic Exchange

(1) Kiyo Inamura, Japan (1) R Wu, USA (1)Milton Woo    
(2) Jose Carlos da Cruz, Brazil (2) Jose Carlos da Cruz, Brazil (2)Kwan Hoong Ng   
(3) A Krisanachinda, Thailand (3) KH Ng, AFOMP (3)Hong Quan    
(4) M Woo, Canada (4) H Zaidi, Africa      
(5) YM Hu, China (5) Tae Suk Suh, Korea     
(6) Panel Discussion (6) Panel Discussion    
17:30 - 18:10
Evening Congress Banquet
(Sponsored by Elekta)
(18:30~20:00, Huishang Birthplace Restaurant)  
CSMP Acknowledgement Banquet
(Sponsored by Varian)
(18:30~20:00, Shecounty Grand Restaurant)