Note: |
1. There are two meeting rooms (Huizhou Hall and Lianjiang Hall) and one slide-ready room (Xuanyuan Hall) for all scientific and technique meetings. Huizhou Hall and Xuanyuan Hall are on the third floor of Huangshan International Convention Center, and Lianjiang Hall is on the first floor. |
2. Huizhou Hall will hold the open ceremony, the closing ceremony, all refresher courses, all plenary sessions, all symposiums, the workshop, and Therapy Sessions 1-7 and 9-12. Lianjing Hall will hold all image sessions, all other sessions, and Therapy Sessions 8 and 13. |
3. The official language for the meeting is English from Aug. 23 to the morning of Aug. 26, and is Chinese from the afternoon of Aug. 26 to Aug. 27. |
4. For the detailed arrangements of each vender-technique meeting, please refer to the corresponding announcement. |