7th ACOMP and 13th Annual Meeting of CSMP
 Without charge
With charge
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Line 2
Line 3


     Please contact Huangshan Hotel if you want to join the tour lines 1-3




Local Tours


Half day tour :The tour is free for foreign participants


Line 1: one day Huangshan tripCost:448 yuan/person(including entrance fee、round-trip ropeway ticket、bus trip in scenic area、lunch、cicerones fee、round-trip bus ticket)

Depart at AM 6:30 → Guest-Greeting Pine、Guest-Goodbye Pine → Huangshan Sleeping Buddha → Lotus Peak → Aoyu Peak → Lunch in Baiyun Hotel → Bright Peak → Pen Rack Peak → The Flower Grown Out Of a Wrating Brush Rock → Beginning to Believe Peak →back to hotel


Line 2: two days Huangshan tripCost:1025 yuan/person(1075 yuan/person during the weekend),(including entrance fee、round-trip ropeway ticket、bus trip in scenic area、four-star room/person on mountaintop、meals in scenic area、cicerones fee、round-trip bus ticket)

D1:breakfast at AM 6:30, depart at AM 7:00 → Guest-Greeting Pine → Huangshan Sleeping Buddha → LotusPeak → AoyuPeak → Lunch in Baiyun Hotel → BrightPeak → Flying Over Rock → Cloud-Dispelling Pavilion

D2:breakfast afert viewing sunrise → Pen Rack Peak → Beginning to Believe Peak →back to hotel(degust tea on the way)


Line 3: one day Huangshan trip + one day ancient residences tripCost:650 yuan/person(including entrance fee、round-trip ropeway ticket、bus trip in scenic area、meals in scenic area、cicerones fee、round-trip bus ticket)

D1:depart at AM 6:30 → Guest-Greeting Pine、Guest-Goodbye Pine → Huangshan Sleeping Buddha → Lotus Peak → Aoyu Peak → lunch in Baiyun Hotel → Bright Peak → Pen Rack Peak → The Flower Grown Out Of a Wrating Brush Rock → Beginning to Believe Peak →back to hotel

D2:breakfast at AM 7:00, depart at AM 7:30 → Yixian HongCun ancient residences → traditional lunch in Yixian → XiDi ancient residences → back to hotel